Sunday, November 11, 2007

Conflict between 802.16h and 802.22

802.16h was originally intended for coexistence of WiMAX in unlicensed bands.
see article at wifi planet detailing some of the tension between 802.16h and 802.22

They ammended the scope of the PAR to include coexistence with primary users. in addition to the coexistence with self. This is a huge issue as it directly places 802.16h in tension with 802.22. This places overlap in their scopes. If 802.16h can expand into the TV bands then 802.16h is essentially the same thing as 802.22

This letter shows the response from 802.16h to a letter from 802.22 about overlap in their scopes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If 802.16h can increase into the TV bands then 802.16h is basically the similar thing as 802.22,

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