Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Soar Cognitive Engine

There was a paper included in this week's class readings that discussed Applications of Machine Learning to Cogntive Radio

It was an interesting paper and dealt mainly with fundamental ideas about learning, reasoning as they can be applied to cognitive radio. However at the very end of the paper they mentioned a real implementation of the ideas by using an Ossie Software defined radio and the Soar Cognitive Radio Engine.

There is a little bit more detail of their implementation here.

I am in the process of learning more about this Soar Cognitive engine. It is a general computational model that is geared towards a Unified Theory of Cognition. Not that I know what that means yet. It seems to have found application in many different fields from psychology to AI in video games and most notably for me Cognitive radio.

This could be an a good avenue to explore for research given the little bit of work using it in a cognitive radio framework?

I saw that an MS student did a thesis on using the OSSIE SCA to develop a software defined 802.16 system.

I wonder if this implementation could be adapted with the Soar cognitive engine to develop a cognitive WiMAX system? It looks like it's doable since the above papers have followed a similar approach of synergy between OSSIE and Soar. It would still be novel because it is a WiMAX implementation.

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